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liturgical day
First Sunday of Advent: the final tribulation and Christ’s return in glory
First Sunday of Advent: "Come, Lord Jesus!"
First Sunday of Advent: humble vigilance of heart
Second Sunday of Advent: the prophets and the expectation of the Messiah
Second Sunday of Advent: the mission of John the Baptist
Second Sunday of Advent: conversion of the baptized
Third Sunday of Advent: joy
Third Sunday of Advent: patience
Third Sunday of Advent: Jesus performs messianic signs
Fourth Sunday of Advent: Mary’s virginal motherhood
Fourth Sunday of Advent: Mary the Mother of Christ by the Holy Spirit
Fourth Sunday of Advent: Jesus as Savior revealed to Joseph
Fourth Sunday of Advent: Christ the Son of God in his Resurrection
Fourth Sunday of Advent: the "obedience of faith"
The Solemnity of Christmas: "Why did the Word become flesh?"
The Solemnity of Christmas: the Incarnation
The Solemnity of Christmas: the Christmas mystery
The Solemnity of Christmas: Jesus is the Son of David
The Solemnity of Christmas: God has said everything in his Word
The Solemnity of Christmas: the incarnate Christ worshipped by the angels
The Solemnity of Christmas: the Incarnation and images of Christ
The Holy Family: the Holy Family
The Holy Family: the Christian family, a domestic Church
The Holy Family: duties of family members
The Holy Family: the Flight into Egypt
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: Jesus Christ, true God and true Man
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: Mary is the Mother of God
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: our adoption as sons
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: Jesus submits to the Law, and perfects it
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: the New Law frees from restrictions of the Old Law
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: in the Holy Spirit we can call God "Abba"
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: the name of Jesus
Second Sunday after the Nativity: John’s Prologue
Second Sunday after the Nativity: Christ the Wisdom of God
Second Sunday after the Nativity: God gives us wisdom
The Solemnity of the Epiphany: the Epiphany
The Solemnity of the Epiphany: Christ the light of the nations
The Solemnity of the Epiphany: the Church, sacrament of human unity
First Sunday of Lent: the temptation of Jesus
First Sunday of Lent: "Lead us not into temptation"
First Sunday of Lent: the Fall
First Sunday of Lent: Adam, Original Sin, Christ the New Adam
Second Sunday of Lent: the Transfiguration
Second Sunday of Lent: the obedience of Abraham
Second Sunday of Lent: God’s promise to Abraham fulfilled in Christ
Second Sunday of Lent: the call to holiness
Third Sunday of Lent: baptism, rebirth of water and Spirit
Third Sunday of Lent: Jesus reveals the Holy Spirit
Third Sunday of Lent: the Holy Spirit, the living water, a gift of God
Third Sunday of Lent: God takes the initiative; hope from the Spirit
Fourth Sunday of Lent: Christ the light of the nations
Fourth Sunday of Lent: Jesus is the Son of David
Fourth Sunday of Lent: baptism is illumination
Fourth Sunday of Lent: Christians are to be light of the world
Fifth Sunday of Lent: the progressive revelation of resurrection
Fifth Sunday of Lent: raisings a messianic sign prefiguring Christ’s Resurrection
Fifth Sunday of Lent: the prayer of Jesus before the raising of Lazarus
Fifth Sunday of Lent: our present experience of resurrection
Fifth Sunday of Lent: the Eucharist and the Resurrection
Fifth Sunday of Lent: the resurrection of the body
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Christ’s entry into Jerusalem
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: the Passion of Christ
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Christ’s kingship gained through his death and Resurrection
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: the Paschal Mystery and the liturgy
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: the institution of the Eucharist
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: Eucharist as thanksgiving
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: Eucharist as sacrifice
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: Holy Communion
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: the Eucharist as the pledge of glory
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: institution of the priesthood at the Last Supper
Friday of the Passion of the Lord: the Passion of Christ
Friday of the Passion of the Lord: the prayer of Jesus
Friday of the Passion of the Lord: Christ the High Priest
Friday of the Passion of the Lord: Christ’s obedience and ours
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: the Resurrection of Christ and our resurrection
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: Easter, the Lord’s Day
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: the Sacraments of Initiation
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: Baptism
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: Confirmation
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: Eucharist
Second Sunday of Easter: appearances of the risen Christ
Second Sunday of Easter: sanctifying presence of the risen Christ in the liturgy
Second Sunday of Easter: the Sunday Eucharist
Second Sunday of Easter: our new birth in the Resurrection of Christ
Second Sunday of Easter: "I believe in the forgiveness of sins"
Second Sunday of Easter: communion in spiritual goods
Third Sunday of Easter: the Eucharist and the experience of the disciples at Emmaus
Third Sunday of Easter: the apostles and disciples as witnesses of the Resurrection
Third Sunday of Easter: Christ the key to interpreting all Scripture
Third Sunday of Easter: Jesus, the Lamb offered for our sins
Fourth Sunday of Easter: Christ the Shepherd and Gate
Fourth Sunday of Easter: Pope and bishops as shepherds
Fourth Sunday of Easter: priests as shepherds
Fourth Sunday of Easter: conversion, faith, and baptism
Fourth Sunday of Easter: Christ an example in bearing wrongs
Fifth Sunday of Easter: Christ’s prayer at the Last Supper
Fifth Sunday of Easter: Christ opens for us the way to heaven
Fifth Sunday of Easter: believing in Jesus
Fifth Sunday of Easter: the order of deacons
Fifth Sunday of Easter: "a chosen race, a royal priesthood"
Sixth Sunday of Easter: Christ’s prayer at the Last Supper
Sixth Sunday of Easter: the Holy Spirit as Advocate/Consoler
Sixth Sunday of Easter: invoking the Holy Spirit
The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord: the Ascension
Seventh Sunday of Easter: prayer and the spiritual life: Christ’s prayer at the Last Supper
Seventh Sunday of Easter: prayer and the spiritual life: the Father glorifies Christ
Seventh Sunday of Easter: prayer and the spiritual life: Jesus prays for us
Seventh Sunday of Easter: prayer and the spiritual life: at prayer with Mary
The Solemnity of Pentecost: Pentecost
The Solemnity of Pentecost: apostolic witness on Pentecost
The Solemnity of Pentecost: the mystery of Pentecost continues in the Church
The Solemnity of Pentecost: the Church, communion in the Spirit
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: the mystery of the Trinity
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: the Trinity in the Church and her liturgy
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: the Trinity and prayer
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: the family as an image of the Trinity
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ: the Holy Eucharist
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ: the Eucharist and the communion of believers
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ: the Eucharist as spiritual food
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: God’s mercy
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Christ’s love for all
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: the Heart of Christ worthy of adoration
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: the Church born from the pierced side of Christ
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Christ’s love moves our hearts
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus the Lamb of God who takes away sins of all
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: mission of Son and Holy Spirit
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: the call of the Twelve
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Reign of God calls and gathers Jews and Gentiles
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: unity of the Church
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus a model of the beatitudes for followers
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: call to beatitude
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the poor and humble remnant bear hope of Messiah
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: People of God to be salt and light
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: moral life and missionary witness
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: light on works of mercy, love for the poor
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the baptized (neophytes) are to be light of the world
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ crucified is the wisdom of God
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus and the Law
CCC 1961-1964 the old Law: the Decalogue in the tradition of the Church
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: love of neighbor incompatible with hatred of enemies
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: prohibition to harm others apart from self-defense
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: prayer and pardon of enemies
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: the heavenly Father’s perfection calls all to holiness
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: we become temples of the Holy Spirit in baptism
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: saints are temples of the Holy Spirit
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: divine providence and its role in history
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: idolatry subverts values; trust in providence vs. divination
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: prayer of faithful petition for coming of the Kingdom
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: trust in Providence does not mean idleness
Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: "Thy will be done"
Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: prayer is disposing heart to do God’s will
Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: justification
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus calls and pardons sinners
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the sacrifice pleasing to God
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Abraham a model of faith
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Church prefigured in Old Testament community
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Church a priestly, prophetic, royal people
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: the apostolic mission of the Church
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Spirit of Christ sustains the Christian mission
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: evangelizing by the example of life
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: courageous witness of faith overcomes fear and death
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: bear witness to the truth
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Adam, Original Sin, Christ the New Adam
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: to follow Christ is first vocation of Christian
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: baptism, to die to self, to live for Christ
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: grace justifies through faith and baptism
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: knowledge of mysteries of Christ, communion in his mysteries
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Father is revealed by the Son
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the resurrection of the body
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ teaches through parables
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: capacity to know and correspond to the voice of God
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: God associates man in working of grace
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: creation part of the new universe
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the value of meditation
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Kingdom of God
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: God’s goodness and the scandal of evil
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: weeds and seed of Gospel in everyone and in the Church
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: need for ongoing conversion
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: prayer of petition voiced profoundly by the Holy Spirit
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: cannot ignore wound of sin in discerning human situation
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: moral decision making in rapport with God’s will
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: seeking will of God in divine law in difficult circumstances
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: separation of good and evil at Judgment
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: God predestines no one to hell
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: give us this day our daily bread
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: miracle of loaves prefigures the Eucharist
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the fruits of Holy Communion
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: faith experiences testing
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: only faith can follow mysterious ways of providence
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: in difficult times, cultivate trust that all is subject to Christ
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: history of covenants; God’s love for Israel
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Church’s relationship to the Jewish people
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Kingdom first to Israel, now for all who believe
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ’s coming hope of Israel; their final acceptance of Messiah
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: power of invocation with sincere faith
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the catholicity of the Church
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Keys of the Kingdom
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: foundations of unity: the college of bishops with its head, the successor of Peter
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ calls his disciples to take up the Cross and follow him
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Cross as the way to Christ’s glory
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: way to perfection by way of the Cross
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: carrying our cross in daily life
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Decalogue summed up in one command to love
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: reconciliation with the Church
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: "as we forgive those who trespass against us"
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: God is love
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: God manifests his glory by sharing his goodness
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: "forgive us our trespasses"
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: God of mercy and piety
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus identifies his compassion to sinners with God’s
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: just person distinguished by habitual rectitude toward others
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: only Holy Spirit can give us the mind of Christ
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the obligation of social justice
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Lordship of Christ
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: "Thy will be done"
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Church as God’s vineyard
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: prophets are the servants, Christ is the Son
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus invites sinners, but demands conversion
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Eucharist is the foretaste of the Messianic Banquet
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: participation in the social sphere
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: duties of citizens
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Ten Commandments interpreted through twofold love
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: moral life a response to the Lord’s initiative of love
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: moral life and Christian witness
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: priesthood for service; human frailty of leaders
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: we wait for all to be made subject to Christ
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: the just will live forever with the risen Christ
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: vigilant waiting for the Lord’s return
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: our merits for good works come from God’s goodness
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: our works manifested at the Last Judgment
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: keeping busy as we await the Lord’s return
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: diversity of talents
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: dignity of woman
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: marriage in the order of creation
Solemnity of Christ the King: Christ the origin and goal of history: Christ as Lord and King
Solemnity of Christ the King: Christ the origin and goal of history: Christ as Judge
Solemnity of Christ the King: Christ the origin and goal of history: "Thy Kingdom Come"
First Sunday of Advent: the final tribulation and Christ’s return in glory
First Sunday of Advent: "Come, Lord Jesus!"
First Sunday of Advent: God gives humanity grace to accept Revelation, welcome the Messiah
First Sunday of Advent: acknowledging that we are sinners
Second Sunday of Advent: the prophets and the expectation of the Messiah
Second Sunday of Advent: the mission of John the Baptist
Second Sunday of Advent: a new heaven and a new earth
Third Sunday of Advent: joy
Third Sunday of Advent: characteristics of the awaited Messiah
Third Sunday of Advent: God’s love for Israel
Third Sunday of Advent: the Church as the Bride of Christ
Fourth Sunday of Advent: the Annunciation
Fourth Sunday of Advent: Jesus is the Son of David
Fourth Sunday of Advent: the "obedience of faith"
The Solemnity of Christmas: "Why did the Word become flesh?"
The Solemnity of Christmas: the Incarnation
The Solemnity of Christmas: the Christmas mystery
The Solemnity of Christmas: Jesus is the Son of David
The Solemnity of Christmas: God has said everything in his Word
The Solemnity of Christmas: the incarnate Christ worshipped by the angels
The Solemnity of Christmas: the Incarnation and images of Christ
The Holy Family: the Holy Family
The Holy Family: the Christian family, a domestic Church
The Holy Family: duties of family members
The Holy Family: the Presentation in the Temple
The Holy Family: Abraham and Sarah as models of faith
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: Jesus Christ, true God and true Man
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: Mary is the Mother of God
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: our adoption as sons
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: Jesus submits to the Law, and perfects it
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: the New Law frees from restrictions of the Old Law
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: in the Holy Spirit we can call God "Abba"
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: the name of Jesus
Second Sunday after the Nativity: John’s Prologue
Second Sunday after the Nativity: Christ the Wisdom of God
Second Sunday after the Nativity: God gives us wisdom
Solemnity of the Epiphany: the Epiphany
Solemnity of the Epiphany: Christ the light of the nations
Solemnity of the Epiphany: the Church, sacrament of human unity
First Sunday of Lent: the temptation of Jesus
First Sunday of Lent: "Lead us not into temptation"
First Sunday of Lent: the Covenant with Noah
First Sunday of Lent: Noah’s Ark prefigures the Church and baptism
First Sunday of Lent: Covenant and sacraments (especially baptism)
First Sunday of Lent: God saves through baptism
Second Sunday of Lent: the Transfiguration
Second Sunday of Lent: the obedience of Abraham
Second Sunday of Lent: characteristics of faith
Second Sunday of Lent: God manifests his glory to make known his will
Second Sunday of Lent: Christ is for us
Third Sunday of Lent: Jesus and the Law
Third Sunday of Lent: Temple prefigures Christ; he is the Temple
Third Sunday of Lent: the New Law completes the Old
Third Sunday of Lent: Christ’s power revealed in the Cross
Fourth Sunday of Lent: Christ as Savior
Fourth Sunday of Lent: Christ the Lord of eternal life
Fourth Sunday of Lent: God wants to give man eternal life
Fourth Sunday of Lent: Israel’s exile foreshadowed the Passion
Fifth Sunday of Lent: Christ’s life an offering to the Father
Fifth Sunday of Lent: Christ’s desire to give his life for our salvation
Fifth Sunday of Lent: the Spirit glorifies the Son, the Son glorifies the Father
Fifth Sunday of Lent: Christ ascended in glory as our victory
Fifth Sunday of Lent: the history of the covenants
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Christ’s entry into Jerusalem
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: the Passion of Christ
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Christ’s kingship gained through his death and Resurrection
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: the Paschal Mystery and the liturgy
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: the institution of the Eucharist
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: Eucharist as thanksgiving
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: Eucharist as sacrifice
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: Holy Communion
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: the Eucharist as the pledge of glory
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: institution of the priesthood at the Last Supper
Friday of the Passion of the Lord: the Passion of Christ
Friday of the Passion of the Lord: the prayer of Jesus
Friday of the Passion of the Lord: Christ the High Priest
Friday of the Passion of the Lord: Christ’s obedience and ours
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: the Resurrection of Christ and our resurrection
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: Easter, the Lord’s Day
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: the Sacraments of Initiation
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: Baptism
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: Confirmation
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: Eucharist
Second Sunday of Easter: appearances of the risen Christ
Second Sunday of Easter: sanctifying presence of the risen Christ in the liturgy
Second Sunday of Easter: the Sunday Eucharist
Second Sunday of Easter: our new birth in the Resurrection of Christ
Second Sunday of Easter: "I believe in the forgiveness of sins"
Second Sunday of Easter: communion in spiritual goods
Third Sunday of Easter: the Eucharist and the experience of the disciples at Emmaus
Third Sunday of Easter: the apostles and disciples as witnesses of the Resurrection
Third Sunday of Easter: Christ the key to interpreting all Scripture
Third Sunday of Easter: Christ, our Advocate in heaven
Fourth Sunday of Easter: Christ the Shepherd and Gate
Fourth Sunday of Easter: Pope and bishops as shepherds
Fourth Sunday of Easter: priests as shepherds
Fourth Sunday of Easter: Christ the cornerstone
Fourth Sunday of Easter: we are God’s children now
Fifth Sunday of Easter: Christ’s prayer at the Last Supper
Fifth Sunday of Easter: Christ is the vine, we are the branches
Fifth Sunday of Easter: charity
Sixth Sunday of Easter: Christ’s prayer at the Last Supper
Sixth Sunday of Easter: God is love
Sixth Sunday of Easter: love of God and neighbor fulfills the Commandments
Sixth Sunday of Easter: friendship with Christ
The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord: the Ascension
Seventh Sunday of Easter: Christ’s prayer at the Last Supper
Seventh Sunday of Easter: Jesus prays for us
Seventh Sunday of Easter: Jesus’ prayer sanctifies us, especially in the Eucharist
The Solemnity of Pentecost: Pentecost
The Solemnity of Pentecost: apostolic witness on Pentecost
The Solemnity of Pentecost: the mystery of Pentecost continues in the Church
The Solemnity of Pentecost: the Church, communion in the Spirit
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: the mystery of the Trinity
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: the Trinity in the Church and her liturgy
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: the Trinity and prayer
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: the family as an image of the Trinity
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ: the Holy Eucharist
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ: the Eucharist and the communion of believers
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ: the Eucharist as spiritual food
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: God’s mercy
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Christ’s love for all
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: the Heart of Christ worthy of adoration
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: the Church born from the pierced side of Christ
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Christ’s love moves our hearts
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Father’s will fulfilled in Christ
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: to welcome the Kingdom, welcome the Word of God
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ the source of Christian vocation
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: the dignity of the body
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: helping children discover their vocation
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: God’s plan of Revelation
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: inner, ongoing conversion
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: conversion and society
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus accompanies words with miracles
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus’ power over demons
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the role of the prophet
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: virginity for the sake of the Kingdom
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: healing as a sign of messianic times
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ the Healer
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the urgency of preaching
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: living in Christ unites all believers in him
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: human solidarity
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: respect for health
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ the healer of soul and body
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ forgives sins
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: reconciliation after baptism
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ our "Amen"
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Church, the mystery of union with God
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Church as the Bride of Christ
Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Lord’s Day
Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: dying and living in Christ
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Protoevangelium
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: man in paradise
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the fall
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ as exorcist
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: announcing the Kingdom of God
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Kingdom grows by hearing the Word
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus, true God and true Man
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: faith as gift of God, and human response
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: maintaining faith in adversity
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus raises the dead
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: death transformed by Christ
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: hope for a new heaven and a new earth
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: prophets and conversion of heart
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ as prophet
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: perseverance in faith
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: power is made perfect in weakness
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: disciples share in Christ’s healing mission
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Church called to proclaim and bear witness
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: origin and scope of the Church’s mission
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: mission-mindedness
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Holy Spirit as God’s guarantee and seal
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Mary as a unique example of being chosen before the foundation of the world
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ our peace
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: witnesses and workers for peace and justice
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the miracle of the loaves and fishes prefigures the Eucharist
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: sharing of gifts in the communion of the Church
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Eucharistic signs of bread and wine
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: life in Christ
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: "Do this in memory of me"
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: take and eat: Communion
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Eucharist, pledge of future glory
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Eucharist is our daily bread
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: scandal
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Church as the Bride of Christ
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: God’s utter fidelity and love
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: marriage in the Lord
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ and the Law
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Old Law and the Gospel
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ the Physician
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: signs used by Christ; sacramental signs
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: the mercy of God
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the path of the Messiah traced out in the "Servant Songs"
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus suffered and died for our salvation
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: our participation in Christ’s sacrifice
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: good works manifest faith
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ, obedient Servant of God
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: to serve is to reign
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: priestly ministry as service
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the sin of envy
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: safeguarding peace
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: ecumenical dialogue
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the danger of immoderate riches
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: jealousy
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: conjugal fidelity
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: divorce
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: fidelity, a fruit of Spirit
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: the fidelity of the baptized
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ, unique Word of Scripture
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Scripture in life of the Church
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Scripture as a fountain of prayer
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: poverty of heart
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ’s redemptive death in the plan of salvation
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ’s self-emptying as an example for us to imitate
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ the High Priest
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus performed messianic signs
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: faith, a gift of God
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: filial confidence in prayer
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: commandments as a call for a response of love
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: the first commandment
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: holy orders in the economy of salvation
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ gave his life for us
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: poverty of heart
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: almsgiving
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Elijah and conversion of heart
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: the particular judgment
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Last Judgment; hope of a new heaven and a new earth
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ’s one perfect sacrifice and the Eucharist
Solemnity of Christ the King: Christ the origin and goal of history: Christ as Lord and King
Solemnity of Christ the King: Christ the origin and goal of history: Christ as Judge
Solemnity of Christ the King: Christ the origin and goal of history: "Thy Kingdom Come"
First Sunday of Advent: the final tribulation and Christ’s return in glory
First Sunday of Advent: "Come, Lord Jesus!"
First Sunday of Advent: Jesus is the Son of David
First Sunday of Advent: God is faithful and merciful
Second Sunday of Advent: the prophets and the expectation of the Messiah
Second Sunday of Advent: the mission of John the Baptist
Second Sunday of Advent: Israel’s exile foreshadowed the Passion
Second Sunday of Advent: Paul’s solicitude
Third Sunday of Advent: joy
Third Sunday of Advent: John prepares the way for the Messiah
Third Sunday of Advent: Jesus the Savior
Fourth Sunday of Advent: the Visitation
Fourth Sunday of Advent: the Son becomes incarnate to do the Father’s will
The Solemnity of Christmas: "Why did the Word become flesh?"
The Solemnity of Christmas: the Incarnation
The Solemnity of Christmas: the Christmas mystery
The Solemnity of Christmas: Jesus is the Son of David
The Solemnity of Christmas: God has said everything in his Word
The Solemnity of Christmas: the incarnate Christ worshipped by the angels
The Solemnity of Christmas: the Incarnation and images of Christ
The Holy Family: the Holy Family
The Holy Family: the Christian family, a domestic Church
The Holy Family: duties of family members
The Holy Family: the Finding in the Temple
The Holy Family: Hannah and Samuel
The Holy Family: we are God’s children now
The Holy Family: we shall see him face to face and be like him
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: Jesus Christ, true God and true Man
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: Mary is the Mother of God
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: our adoption as sons
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: Jesus submits to the Law, and perfects it
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: the New Law frees from restrictions of the Old Law
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: in Holy Spirit we can call God "Abba"
The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God: the name of Jesus
Second Sunday after the Nativity: John’s Prologue
Second Sunday after the Nativity: Christ the Wisdom of God
Second Sunday after the Nativity: God gives us wisdom
Solemnity of the Epiphany: the Epiphany
Solemnity of the Epiphany: Christ the light of the nations
Solemnity of the Epiphany: the Church, sacrament of human unity
First Sunday of Lent: the temptation of Jesus
First Sunday of Lent: "Lead us not into temptation"
First Sunday of Lent: Christ frees from evil
First Sunday of Lent: faith as submission to God, response to God, answer to evil
First Sunday of Lent: God forms his priestly people through Abraham and the Exodus
Second Sunday of Lent: the Transfiguration
Second Sunday of Lent: the obedience of Abraham
Second Sunday of Lent: faith opens the way to comprehending the mystery of the Resurrection
Second Sunday of Lent: the resurrection of the body
Third Sunday of Lent: God calls Moses, hears prayers of his people
Third Sunday of Lent: observance of Law prepares for conversion
Third Sunday of Lent: evil and its works as obstacle on way of salvation
Third Sunday of Lent: Old Testament "types" fulfilled in the New Testament
Third Sunday of Lent: bearing fruit
Fourth Sunday of Lent: the prodigal son
Fourth Sunday of Lent: God is faithful to his promises
Fourth Sunday of Lent: God pardons sin and restores the sinner to the community
Fourth Sunday of Lent: the door of pardon is open to all who repent
Fourth Sunday of Lent: Israel’s daily bread was the fruit of the promised land
Fifth Sunday of Lent: Jesus manifests the Father’s mercy
Fifth Sunday of Lent: the surpassing wealth of knowing Christ
Fifth Sunday of Lent: rash judgment
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Christ’s entry into Jerusalem
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: the Passion of Christ
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Christ’s kingship gained through his death and Resurrection
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: the Paschal Mystery and the liturgy
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: the institution of the Eucharist
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: Eucharist as thanksgiving
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: Eucharist as sacrifice
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: Holy Communion
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: the Eucharist as the pledge of glory
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper: the institution of the priesthood at the Last Supper
Friday of the Passion of the Lord: the Passion of Christ
Friday of the Passion of the Lord: the prayer of Jesus
Friday of the Passion of the Lord: Christ the High Priest
Friday of the Passion of the Lord: Christ’s obedience and ours
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: the Resurrection of Christ and our resurrection
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: Easter, the Lord’s Day
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: the Sacraments of Initiation
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: Baptism
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: Confirmation
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: Eucharist
Second Sunday of Easter: appearances of the risen Christ
Second Sunday of Easter: sanctifying presence of the risen Christ in the liturgy
Second Sunday of Easter: the Sunday Eucharist
Second Sunday of Easter: our new birth in the Resurrection of Christ
Second Sunday of Easter: "I believe in the forgiveness of sins"
Second Sunday of Easter: communion in spiritual goods
Second Sunday of Easter: Christ the "Living One" holds the keys of death
Third Sunday of Easter: the apostles and disciples as witnesses of the Resurrection
Third Sunday of Easter: the risen Christ and Peter
Third Sunday of Easter: the heavenly liturgy
Fourth Sunday of Easter: Christ the Shepherd and Gate
Fourth Sunday of Easter: Pope and bishops as shepherds
Fourth Sunday of Easter: priests as shepherds
Fourth Sunday of Easter: the Church is made up of Jews and Gentiles
Fourth Sunday of Easter: our communion with the martyrs
Fifth Sunday of Easter: Christ’s prayer at the Last Supper
Fifth Sunday of Easter: "as I have loved you"
Fifth Sunday of Easter: a new heavens and a new earth
Sixth Sunday of Easter: Christ’s prayer at the Last Supper
Sixth Sunday of Easter: the Holy Spirit as Advocate/Consoler
Sixth Sunday of Easter: the New Law fulfills the Old
Sixth Sunday of Easter: the heavenly Jerusalem
The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord: the Ascension
Seventh Sunday of Easter: through Christ we live in communion with Father
Seventh Sunday of Easter: the Church is communion with and in Christ
The Solemnity of Pentecost: Pentecost
The Solemnity of Pentecost: apostolic witness on Pentecost
The Solemnity of Pentecost: the mystery of Pentecost continues in the Church
The Solemnity of Pentecost: the Church, communion in the Spirit
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: the mystery of the Trinity
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: the Trinity in the Church and her liturgy
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: the Trinity and prayer
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: the family as an image of the Trinity
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ: the Holy Eucharist
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ: the Eucharist and the communion of believers
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ: the Eucharist as spiritual food
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: God’s mercy
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Christ’s love for all
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: the Heart of Christ worthy of adoration
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: the Church born from the pierced side of Christ
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Christ’s love moves our hearts
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: at Cana, Christ shows himself to be Messiah, Son of God, Savior
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Church as Bride of Christ
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: marriage in the Lord
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Mary’s intercession at Cana
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: charisms at the service of the Church
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Old Testament expectation of the Messiah and the Spirit
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: new Law and Gospel
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: God inspires human authors of Scripture, and readers
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Church as the Body of Christ
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ as prophet
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: our participation in Christ’s prophetic office
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: faith, the beginning of eternal life
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: charity
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: communion in the Church
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: those in heaven behold God face to face
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: all are called to follow Christ
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: awe in God’s presence versus presumption
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Apostles as witnesses of the Resurrection
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christian hope begins in the giving of the Beatitudes
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: poverty of heart; the Lord grieves over the rich
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: hope in the Resurrection
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: God of mercy
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: forgiveness of enemies
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ as the New Adam
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the heart is the home of truth
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: good acts and evil acts
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: forming conscience and decision-making
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: spiritual direction
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christian view of death
Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: all are called to enter Kingdom of God
Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Church as universal sacrament of salvation
Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the Temple
Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus and the Temple
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: in raising the dead Christ announces his own Resurrection
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christian meaning of death associated with the Resurrection
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Elijah and the widow
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ frees creation from sin and death
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: only God forgives sin
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: justification
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: purification of heart
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: David and Nathan
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ’s redemptive death in the plan of salvation
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: take up the cross daily and follow Christ
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Church is communion with Christ
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: "putting on" Christ; baptism and chastity
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus’ ascent to Jerusalem for his death and Resurrection
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Master, what must I do …?
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the urgency of discipleship
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Kingdom of God is at hand
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Apostles, united to the mission of Christ
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: "the laborer deserves his food"
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: "Your kingdom come"
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Cross as the way to follow Christ
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: man created in the image of God; the first-born
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: viewing neighbor as another self
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: corporal works of mercy
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the priest as Good Samaritan in the sacrament of Penance
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Word and creation, visible and invisible
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Abraham’s hospitality
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: welcome the stranger
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: contemplation
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: sharing in Christ’s sufferings for his Body
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: "the hope of glory" in the Church and in her sacraments
SeventeenthSunday inOrdinary Time: prayer of intercession
SeventeenthSunday inOrdinary Time: universal call to prayer
SeventeenthSunday inOrdinary Time: the Lord’s Prayer as a synthesis of Gospel
SeventeenthSunday inOrdinary Time: turning to God with persistence and filial trust
SeventeenthSunday inOrdinary Time: lectio divina
SeventeenthSunday inOrdinary Time: buried and risen in baptism
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: hope for a new heaven and a new earth
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the disorder of covetousness
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the obedience of faith
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the virtue of hope
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: prayer as humble vigilance of heart
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Abraham, a model of faith
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ, a sign of contradiction
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: a disciple should witness to the faith with boldness
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: giving testimony to the truth
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: our communion with the saints
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: sacred images remind us of the "cloud of witnesses"
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: all called to enter the Kingdom
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Church as universal sacrament of salvation
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: do the Father’s will to enter the Kingdom
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: the narrow way
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Incarnation as a mystery of humility
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: the disorder of concupiscence
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: prayer calls for humility and poverty of spirit
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: our participation in the heavenly liturgy
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: Sunday lets us share in the festal assembly of heaven
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: God’s transcendence
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: knowledge of God according to the Church
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: prefer Christ to all else
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: following Christ in consecrated life
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: God of mercy
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: God takes the initiative in redemption
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Prodigal Son as an example of conversion
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Prodigal Son and the sacrament of Penance
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: respect for the property of others
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: love for the poor
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: pray for others’ interest, not just for one’s own
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ our one Mediator
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: no one can serve two masters
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: intercession for rulers
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: human solidarity
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: solidarity among nations; love for poor
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: hunger in world; solidarity; prayer
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Lazarus
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Hell
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: faith
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: the deposit of faith given to Church
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: the supernatural sense of faith
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Christ the healer
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: signs of the Kingdom of God
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: thanksgiving
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Christian meaning of death
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Moses and prayer of intercession
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: prayer of petition
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: the Word of God, a source of prayer
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: "Thy kingdom come"
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: urgency of the preaching task
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: humility as the foundation of prayer
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus hears prayer made in faith
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: adoration as the attitude of man who knows he is a creature
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: prayer for pardon as the first kind of prayer of petition
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: the universe created for God’s glory
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time: reparation
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: the progressive revelation of resurrection
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: our resurrection in Christ
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: heaven
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time: purgatory, the final purification
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: perseverance in faith; faith as the beginning of eternal life
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: the final trial of the Church
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: human labor as redemptive
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: the last day
Solemnity of Christ the King: Christ the origin and goal of history: Christ as Lord and King
Solemnity of Christ the King: Christ the origin and goal of history: Christ as Judge
Solemnity of Christ the King: Christ the origin and goal of history: "Thy Kingdom Come"
March 19: The Solemnity of Saint Joseph: Saint Joseph
March 19: The Solemnity of Saint Joseph: duties of children to their parents
June 29: The Solemnity of the Apostles Peter and Paul: Saint Peter
June 29: The Solemnity of the Apostles Peter and Paul: Saint Paul
August 15: The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Mary, the New Eve, assumed into heaven
August 15: The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Mary, eschatological icon of the Church
August 15: The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: at prayer with Mary
November 1: The Solemnity of All Saints: the Church, a communion of saints
November 1: The Solemnity of All Saints: the intercession of the saints
November 1: The Solemnity of All Saints: the saints, examples of holiness
December 8: The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary: God’s preparation; the Immaculate Conception
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